Shoes Saves Foundation Staff and Volunteer Staff:
Don't forget about October Fest 2023: This October 1 through 31 is Octoberfest. Octoberfest focuses of community and has a specific theme this year of
"You must reap, what you sowed, so sow something good." We the staff and management of the Shoes Saves Foundation, want to encourage our neighbors and community to remember to look out for the safety of all those around you in the community. This means watching out for the kids who walk by in the morning going to the bus stop, or helping an elderly neighbor cross the street. Remember to watch out for all unoccupied houses during the Halloween season as well. When we help each other the community grows and flourishes. We end the month with a celebration of nature’s goodness for the season changes, as fall has begun.
Shoes Saves Foundation Executive Staff.
Shoe and Donation Collection Spiff:
Don't forget; the mid-year shoe collection, and monetary drive, for the month of June 2023, and January 2023. The Staff Member, or Volunteer Staff member with the largest shoe donation, or collected financial donation, for the month of June, and January; wins dinner for two at a Beautiful Italian Restaurant. This repeats for the months of July, August, September, and December. Finally, if you prefer The Good Reverend Joi Karla Hubert to cook for you, and your guests, a professionally catered meal, you may invite 3 guests, or dinner for four; your own self included in the dinner for four. That being said, your choices are: choose dinner for 2 at The Italian Restaurant, or Dinner for 4 Catered By Reverend Joi, at The Shoes Saves Foundation. Note: Catering available through June, July, August, and September, on the current spiff, and any special donation, and collection spiff, held May, through September. Happy collecting.
Shoes Saves Foundation Executive Staff.
Donation Collection Spiff:
Don't forget; the collection drive for the month of August and September, every calendar year, concerning the 8'Th and 9'Th calendar months . The Staff Member, or Volunteer Staff member, with the largest shoe donation collection for the combined months of August and September; wins dinner for two at a Beautiful Italian Restaurant, (please see the option above; for 4 guests, as well). Also, the Staff Member, or Volunteer Staff member, with the largest monetary donation collection, for the combined months of August, and September wins dinner for two at a Beautiful Italian Restaurant. Happy collecting.
Shoes Saves Foundation Executive Staff.
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