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You’ll be pleasantly surprised to find out all sorts of things about the GOD-DIAC, which takes a true look at the animal depictions of the Zodiac, as it relates to God’s kingdom. The GOD-DIAC is true, just as the earth rotates on an axis, and the sun heats the earth, and 2+2=4; The GOD-DAIC is true.

1 John Chapter 4, Verses 1 - 3
(New International Version of The Holy Bible)

On Denying the Incarnation
“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the anti Christ, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.”1 John Chapter 4, Verses 1 - 3

Follow The God-Diac. The God-Diac is about imagery, and origin. God Almighty’s, own spirit is described as a dove (Luke 3:21-22) or a bird. His son is described as the Lion Of Juda (Revelation 5:5) or a cat, an also The Lamb Of God (John 1:29) or a bovidae. The Lord of Host, also compares people to that of eagles, or a bird (Isaiah 40:31). It is that imagery for which God and The Son of God have been described,  which directs me to the understanding; if it is good enough for them, then it is more than good enough for me. Do not get caught up in the paranoia of animal descriptions. If The Lord, said I was a frog-reindeer, I’d say, ”thank you Lord, for calling me a frog-reindeer, praise The Lord, hallelujah.” Let's keep it real, you and I are certainly not better than God.  In addition, learn to guard what you look like on the inside. Whatever your origin point is; is strictly between you and God, unless The Lord of Host informs one of his servants as to what you are concerning the God-Diac; otherwise that information is private. Don’t allow others whom you know, you haven’t harmed, and whom you don’t owe an explanation to, pressure you for information that is between you, and God Almighty in heaven above. However, by the same token; don’t indulge in loose behavior that causes you to reveal your spirit appearance unnecessarily. IF YOU DON’T SHOW, NO ONE WILL KNOW.

Final Note: Concerning The GOD-DIAC Table and the instructions for The GOD-DIAC Table, Reverend Joi Karla Hubert confesses "Jesus Christ come in flesh is of God"; according to the book of 1 John, chapter 4, verse 1 through 3. Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

The GOD-DIAC Instructions

For The Truth in Origin in Gods Kingdom!
Which one are you?  Find your spot on the GOD-DIAC by saying the Lords Prayer, then say "Where am I on The 
GOD-DIAC Table?"

The Lord's Prayer:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forevermore.

The GOD-DIAC Table:                
  • GOD
  • The Son
  • The Heavenly Elders
  • The Heavenly Hosts
  • The Angels
  • Humans
  • The Aliens (Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Venus, Mercury, Primedeom, Zarthan, Hube, Tatoo~in, Baj, Sams, and Cass)
  • Apes
  • Barracudas
  • Giraffes
  • Camels 
  • Kangaroos
  • Cats
  • Birds (Condors & Large Varieties)
  • Foxes 
  • Raccoons
  • Lizards (Iguanas, ect..)  
  • Snakes (Large Constrictors & Smaller Poisonous Varieties)
  • Rodents (Rabbits, Beavers, Possums, Squirrels, & Rats)​
  • Chinchillas
  • Insects (Bees, Spiders, & Flees) 

Search Box Example 1

The Theory of The God-Diac Origin, or Beginnings.
              By: Reverend Joi Karla Hubert
What is origin? Origin is the place where something begins, arises, is derived, or the original starting point of something. In the case of the God-Diac, all things listed below in the God-Diac Table, except for what exists in heaven; which appears as a human being, in its own physical form, had a family starting point in the animal kingdom, alien kingdom, and or human kingdom. For years, an also for decades now; scientists, scholars, and educators, have been saying, humans were derived from primates or apes. This teaching of humans being derived from apes; exists in all American Science books, from elementary school, to college. This same apes to humans teaching, is also expressed in several international school systems, as well. The 
God-Diac simply says: humans were derived from not only apes; but a few other things as well. The God-Diac specifically attributes humans deriving from Humans, The Aliens (Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Venus, Mercury, Primedeom, Zarthan, Hube, Tatoo~in, Baj, Sams, and Cass), Apes, Barracudas, Giraffes, Camels, Kangaroos,
Cats, Birds (Condors & Large Varieties), Foxes, 
Raccoons, Lizards (Iguanas, ect..),  
Snakes (Large Constrictors & Smaller Poisonous Varieties),
Rodents (Rabbits, Beavers, Possums, Squirrels, & Rats)​, Chinchillas, and Insects (Bees, Spiders, & Flees).